Just a little bit of the phases we've been trough regarding family diet during the past years.
*First, in 2003, we decided to buy 100% organic food
*Several years later, we decided to reduce our meat consumption (from several times a week to once or twice max)
*Later on, after having our son Tristan (who is now almost 5), we decided to reduce our intake of dairy products (and as good French, I can assure you that it is not an easy path, particularly for cheese!)
*And today, I am cooking more vegan and macrobiotics recipes...
All these
different phases are the result of our growing consciousness and knowledge on environmental issues (intensive farming, animal welfare, etc.) and health issues linked to diet.
This is a process, accompanied with lots of reading on nutrition, food and cooking styles, and also a lifestyle (we do our best to pick eco-friendly and natural options in every aspect of our life)
I am not an expert in nutrition (... I wish I was) but I like sharing my recipes with you!
I realized lots of working mums are overwhelmed or uninspired to cook healthy meals from scratch everyday, so my hope is to give new ideas and inspiration to prepare balanced and tasty family meals daily!
Expect to find here ideas to pack healthy lunch for kids, and a lot of vegetarian recipes. But from time to time, I could also post recipes with fish or meat, as we are not strictly vegetarian (not for now!).
I will share most of my favourite recipes through colourful illustrations, because beside cooking I also have a passion for drawing, patterns and illustrations!
You can find me on my other blog, méli-mélo studio, if you want to have a look at my other creative projects.
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